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Customer Case

Inquiry of the introduction of solutions

The item marked with * requires input data.

Company name / department*
Contact info
Email address*
Inquiry message*
Agreement on Personal Information Collection and Use (Required)
In order for this consultation, SPHERE AX Co., Ltd. collects and use your personal information described below.

- Purpose of personal information collection and use: consultation
- Items of collection: name, contact information, email address
- Retention and use period: 12 months after the application for consultation

In principle, personal information is neither disclosed externally nor used for other purposes.
The information is destructed without delay after a retention and use period expires.
You can disagree on the collection and use of personal information. In case of disagreement, no consultation is performed.

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Privacy Policy
Personal information collection and use guide

WooKyoung Information Technology Co., Ltd., which manages the website of WooKyoung Information Technology Co., Ltd., guides the personal information collection and use for the purpose described below.

  • - Items of collection: name, email address, type
  • - Purpose of collection: subscribe to/unsubscribe from Newsletter, and send newsletters to subscribers
  • - Retention: until a request of unsubscription from Newsletter (after the request, the personal information collected is destructed within five business days.)